Services for Denture Wearers

If you live in the vicinity of the Brunswick Islands and have been looking for a provider of Sunset Beach NC dentures you’ll be pleased to know that at Atlantic Dental Associates in nearby Shallotte, NC, we’re able to perform any services needed on the Sunset Beach NC dentures you may currently be wearing and we can also fit you for new ones.
Dentures are very common. Today, dentures look like natural teeth, so millions of individuals wear dentures everyday that are unnoticed by those around them. Some patients require full dentures after losing all of their teeth due to disease or injury. If only a few teeth are missing, it is possible to replace them with a partial denture.
It is very important that dentures fit the mouth perfectly otherwise they will cause much discomfort. Occasionally sore spots will develop in the soft gum tissue. This is caused by the dentures rubbing against the gum while the individual is chewing. To ensure that the dentures fit perfectly, dentures are made specifically for a person by a qualified dental practice such as Atlantic Dental Associates.
Initially dental impressions are taken. This is an imprint of the individual’s mouth. This mold is then used to create a model of the mouth. This is an essential step as the dental technician needs to be able to match the contact between the upper and lower teeth. To make sure the dentures fit right, the dentures are then adjusted in the mouth by a qualified dentist before the final form is produced.
Regularly scheduled dental examinations are just as important for denture wearers. This helps to identify gum disease and infections. In addition, the dentures may need to be replaced over time due to gum ridges changing shape. Any changes in the mouth can result in dentures fitting poorly and must be remedied.