About Cosmetic Dentistry

One of the most important aspects of your appearance is your smile and having well cared for and beautiful teeth aids in having your smile be all that it can be. This doesn’t always happen just by genetics. We’d all love to be born with perfectly straight teeth that never get cavities but that isn’t often the case. Thanks to cosmetic dentistry we can help create and maintain that perfect smile. We are the area Ocean Isle Beach NC cosmetic dentist located in nearby Shallotte, North Carolina.
The primary aim of this type of dentistry is to help restore the natural beauty of your teeth. If you have discolored, crooked or otherwise disfigured teeth, we can help in enhancing the beauty of your smile, and give you a smile you’ll be proud of. Cosmetic dentistry has become very common and the price has become very affordable for anyone interested in improving their smile.
Other dental problems that Atlantic Dental Associates can correct include replacing missing teeth, filling gaps between teeth, making less gum appear if you have a gummy smile, and using the natural white filling to replace the old metal fillings that you may still have. Dentistry can even correct the way in which you chew and bite food by making adjustments to your bite.
When you are in receipt of the best dental care not only will your oral hygiene improve, but you will also have a smile that you will be proud of. This does more to boost your confidence than you may realize. Whatever dental problems you may be having, if you are looking for the services of an Ocean Isle Beach NC cosmetic dentist, consider us at Atlantic Dental Associates to see if there are any dentistry procedures that will help to correct the problem.