Our Services Cover Dentures Too

Well-fitting dentures can be the difference between eating soft foods or a liquid diet and enjoying the pleasures of a steak dinner with corn on the cob and dessert. Whether you need to be fit for your first set of full or partial dentures or you’re searching for a repair service to help you with your existing dentures, Atlantic Dental Associates in nearby Shallotte, NC, is your source for Brunswick County dentures.
If this is your first set it can be especially difficult to adjust to wearing dentures for the first few months. A new wearer may worry that their new teeth might look too artificial. During the initial months of wearing new dentures, they may feel very uncomfortable until the gums and other tissues in your mouth become adjusted to them.
Individuals need to learn the proper way to care for the dentures so they are not scratched or broken. They must be cleaned frequently to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth. Proper cleaning will also prevent stains and unpleasant odors from forming. After every meal, the dentures should be taken out of the mouth and rinsed under a running tap of cold water. To keep dentures fresh, the teeth should be soaked every night in a commercial denture cleaner.
If you have any concerns about your dentures or how they fit, give us a call at Atlantic Dental Associates. As a provider of Brunswick County dentures we’d be happy to meet with you and address any concerns you may have.